Amid covid-19, people are scared of normal diseases like flu, fever, and cough, etc. People considered them as covid-19 and as a result, they become panic. Today, we‘re going to show you that actually what flu is, symptoms of flu, preventions of flu, and treatment of flu. 


The flu season usually lasts from autumn fall to spring. All other diseases familiar to flu also come between this season. 

Before covid-19, people didn’t take the flu seriously but now it has become a serious disease. The severity of flu depends on a person’s body. Some people are so sensitive and they get flu immediately by usage or drinking of chilled water or other causes of flu and to some flu does not attack so much. 

Covid-19 is still a big threat. So, we have to take these types of diseases seriously.

Difference between Cold and Flu:

Cold and Flu may appear similar because they have some similar symptoms and also similar causes. They both attack the human respiratory system and cause respiratory illness. The common symptoms of Flu and Cold are given below:

  • Body Aches 

  • Tiredness

  • Runny Nose

  • Sneezing

Symptoms of flu are more dangerous than Cold. It means, if your symptoms are severe, then you have flu and otherwise you have a cold.

A cold usually does not cause other health problems but flu can lead you to pneumonia, sepsis, ear infections, etc.

If your doctor diagnoses flu in your body, he will recommend you:

  • Cold medications

  • Bed rest

  • Staying hydrated

The treatments for common flu are almost similar.

Difference between Flu and Covid-19:

You should not consider your common flu as covid-19. They both have some similar symptoms. The symptoms of covid-19 includes:

  • Fever

  • Fatigue

  • Shortness of breath

  • Cough

  • Body Aches

Fever and body aches are common symptoms of both flu and covid-19. Short of breath is a major symptom of covid-19 but it is usually not a symptom of flu. 

Coughing, sneezing, and wheezing could also accompany them 

Common symptoms of flu:


A dry cough is a common symptom of flu. If you don’t take it seriously, the cough can worsen and can make you uncomfortable. The flu-related cough usually lasts for 1-2 weeks. It can also cause pressure on your chest.


Mostly flu causes a common increase in normal body temperature which is known as fever.

The temperature of the body varies between 100-103 F during flu-related fever. If you notice that your child has the flu and a temperature, please see his doctor.

You may feel chills during fever. Signs of flu-related fever include chills, sneezing, and feeling cold even your body temperature is high.

Fatigue or Tiredness

It is not a compulsory symptom with flu. Yet it occurs most of the time. Flu-related fatigue can make you unwell and it can e a sign of many dangerous conditions.


Headache is one of the beginning symptoms of flu. Sound sensitivity can go along with headaches.

Muscles pain

Flu-related muscle pain usually occurs in the neck, legs, back, and joints. The severeness of pain can make it difficult to perform simple tasks and walk.

Facts about Flu and vaccines:

The influenza virus is common all across the world and leads to many chronic diseases like asthma. This virus spreads very quickly from person to person. If it attacks a healthy person, it could have zero effect on him but he can affect a weak person by spreading the virus.

Flu is not a death-causing disease but it can be death-causing for old people above the age of 65. 

Vaccines to prevent flu are available in many countries of the world. Some of them are:

  • Intradermal Shot

  • High-dose injectable shot

  • Nasal Spray

Vaccines of flu help the immunity and also controls spreading it. Millions of vaccines are produced and distributed during the flu season. 

The influenza virus produces strains in the human body but once you get vaccinated, your body will begin to produce antibodies against those strains. These antibodies fight against the strains and protect the body from the virus.

Vaccines will help your body to survive viruses.

Who should be vaccinated:

Infants less than 6 months of age don’t get vaccinated. Doctors usually recommend flu vaccines to:

  • Kids under 5

  • People over 65

  • Anyone who lives in a chronic facility
    Alaska Natives

  • Anyone with a chronic disease

  • Paramedics staff 

Doctors recommend being vaccinated in the season of October. So, your body will be prepared in the winter and spring seasons.

Vaccines usually take 2-3 weeks to produce antibodies against viruses.

There are also some mild side effects of the flu vaccine. Some of them are:

Tenderness around the injected spot.

Little increase in the temperature

Mild body aches

Since these side effects are mild, they occur for only 1-2 days. Most people don’t experience these side effects. 

Preventions of Flu:

You should not go to work or school/college during you are ill. Flu spread fastly from one person to the other. It can transmit to the other person even before the symptoms appear. Following are the measures that you should take during the time of pandemic:

  • Dis-infecting high-touch materials

  • Regularly washing your hands

  • Wearing a face mask

  • Avoid handshake and touching others

Treatments of Flu:

Most cases of the flu are mild enough that you can easily treat flu at home without any prescription medications. You can treat flu at home by taking these steps:

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Ear different hot vegetable soups

  • Wash your hands to keep other members of your house safe.

  • Cough on tissues and dispose of those used tissues.

  • Treat symptoms with OTC medications

But treat at home only if the symptoms are mild, if the symptoms become worse, see your doctor immediately. 

Pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems, people older than 65, kids younger than 5, and paramedics should not treat flu and hoe and should see their doctor.

How long will it takes to recover from flu:

Most people recover from flu 5-7 days. It takes 7-9 days to feel as usual but you will not feel such tiredness when symptoms will disappear. But if you don’t take it seriously, it can be chronic or diseases may accompany it, which can cause serious health disorders.

Also read: Preventions, symptoms, treatment and all you should know about fever