Decreasing appetite or loss of interest in eating or palliation of eating food is termed as a loss of appetite or decreased appetite. The biological name used for this particular situation is anorexia.
Many types of mental or physical problems can lead to loss of appetite. Loss of appetite can also cause severe weight loss. Loss of appetite shouldn’t be treated normally, otherwise, it will lead you to many hazardous diseases.
It is very important to know the causes, symptoms, and preventions of loss of appetite and we will try to elaborate on them in this article.
Loss of Appetite |
Causes of Loss of Appetite:
The list of decreased appetite’s causes is too long. There are several conditions that can reduce your appetite. Some physical, as well as some mental illness, can lead you to this condition. You can turn your appetite normal by treating these conditions.
Viruses and Bacteria:
Some viral and fungal infections can be a cause of decreased appetite. These infections could be:
HIV / Aids
Skin infections
Respiratory infections
Treat these infections properly, your appetite will return back to normal.
Decreased Appetite could also be developed by some serious medical conditions. They are given below:
Heart Failure
Renal Failure
Cancer in Lungs
Cancer in Stomach
Cancer in Pancreas
Pregnancy(some cases)
Some prescriptions can also reduce your appetite level. They can be Morphine, Codeine, Cocaine, or some Anti-Biotics.
Mental Causes:
Several psychological conditions can also reduce appetite levels. Depression or taking stress, overthinking, or boredom can be the causes. People who don’t enjoy or always be anxious and grieved are the enemies of their own health.
Depression and irritation should be avoided. Fear of gaining weight can also reduce your interest in meals.
When to see Doctor:
You should contact your doctor if you observe a certain weight loss in your body. If the reduction of appetite can cause you to take drugs, you should see your doctor.
Symptoms of decreased appetite:
Loss of appetite is a symptom itself but it can also be accompanied by some other symptoms. Theses are given below:
Weight loss
Not feeling hungry
Feeling Nauseous
Loss of Appetite is not a common thing, you should treat it properly. If decreased Appetite is due to some particular conditions, your appetite will return, when you get recovered. You can treat at home and also with medical care. Details are below:
Treatment at home:
If the cause of your decreased Appetite is one chronic disease like chronic bronchitis or cancer. You should make an effort yourself to leave the depression and try to enjoy food with your family and friends. Try to be happy and go out to restaurants can increase your interest in food and can normalize your appetite level.
Try to take 2-3 big meals a day and should take some snacks throughout the day. Small meals can help your stomach to digest food well. Exercise or Yoga in the morning can help your body to release sweat and it will feel hunger.
Fluids are very useful. Drink shakes and juices with high calories. You should also notice your food intake during the whole day.
Medical Treatment:
If your appetite is not returning to the normal point, it means you need to see a doctor. Consulting with a doctor is always better than taking measures yourself. These are the conditions when you need a doctor:
When some other diseases accompany it
If you notice weight loss
Vomiting after taking meal
You can also conduct some tests to diagnose the main cause of your loss of appetite. These tests can be a blood count, tests of the liver, tests of kidney Ultrasound of abdomen, or CT scan of your head and other parts.
If your decreased Appetite is resulting in mental stress or depression, you should see a psychiatrist. Doctors usually prescribe certain medications which can easily stimulate your Appetite.
Also read: Flu- Cause, vaccines, symptoms
Results of ignoring Decreased Appetite:
If the cause of your loss of Appetite isn’t serious, you will recover naturally without proper treatment. But if the cause is serious, without proper medications it can get worsen and can cause:
Ultimate Fatigue
Severe Weight loss
Increase heartbeat
Many life-threatening diseases
Therefore, it’s so important to take decreased appetite seriously and seek medical care because it can put you at great risk. But also don’t take it too seriously, if it’s common.
Also read: How to gain weight